College Grants
Student Loans
Student Loans
Federal Loans
State Loans
No Co-signer Loans
Bad Credit Loans
Loan Consolidation
College Survival
Award: $725, Deadline: September 15
Applicant must be a vocational or technical student and a North Carolina resident in the Central Power and Light service area with a GPA at or above the level required to graduate attending one of 12 specified community colleges. Selection is based upon academics, need, and extracurricular activities.
Award: $600, Deadline: February 15
Applicant must be a senior who has a minimum 3.0 GPA and who has demonstrated the finest qualities of leadership through participation in campus organizations and has rendered service of significant benefit to the campus community.
Award: -, Deadline: February 15
Applicant must demonstrate community leadership and have met the award criteria established by the Alumni Association's Scholarship Committee. Applicant must have completed 12 credits last semester and 24 credits at Bridgewater State College as of December 31. Applicants who have transferred from Massachusetts Community Colleges, Dean College, or Quincy College are eligible to apply.
Award: $5,000, Deadline: March 15
Applicant must be seeking a technician degree at a college or university with plans to work in the plumbing, heating/cooling, or electrical service industry.
Award: $5,000, Deadline: March 15
Applicant must be working on a technical degree, either at a technical college or through an apprenticeship program and planning to work in the plumbing, heating/cooling, or electrical service industry.
Award: $2,000, Deadline: March 15
Applicant must be a woman who is planning to work in a plumbing, heating/cooling, or electrical service business, with a preference given to applicants who will be helping with marketing in this industry. Applicants working in other business management positions such as accounting, business management, human resources, etc. will also be considered.